May 15, 2013: The Structure of Fire Size Distributions: A Broad View of Interacting Gradients in Wilderness Management, Spatial Climate, and Topography in Three Western Regions

Presenter: Sandra Haire, Haire Laboratory for Landscape Ecology Determining the effects of land management on fire regime characteristics is complicated by the interaction of several factors that vary in space and time. First, fire size and frequency are linked to climate conditions, including drought, as well as wind and temperature that define weather conditions during …

April 25, 2013: Impacts of fire hazard assessment and fuel reduction priorities on mega-fire outcomes: A hypothetical test using the Wallow Fire in Arizona

Presenter: Amy Waltz, Program Director of Science Delivery, Ecological Restoration Institute Uncharacteristically large and severe wildfires, or mega-fires, are occurring with increasing frequency over the last decades in the western United States. The 2011 Wallow Fire, a 538,049-acre (217,740-hectare) fire in the conifer forests of eastern Arizona, provided the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of …

April 2013: White/Donaldson Fires

A one day field trip to both the White and Donaldson Fires near Ruidoso, New Mexico that reviewed how both fires burned in the same year (2011) with very different effects. We visited unburned and burned areas that received mastication and other fuels treatments, discussed treatments and how they may have affected fire behavior, fire …