March 1, 2017: Fuels treatments and ecological values in piñon-juniper woodlands: Vegetation, birds, and modeled fire behavior

Date: March 1, 2017, 12pm MST
Presenter: Jonathan Coop and Pat Magee

Mastication and hand-thinning treatments are increasingly utilized by land managers as a means of reducing tree cover for fire hazard mitigation and other habitat objectives in piñon-juniper (P-J) woodlands. However, the effects of these treatments on ecological processes including fire, and on a wide range of species, particularly vulnerable P-J obligate birds, are incompletely understood. To address these knowledge gaps we measured vegetation and fuels, and conducted bird point counts at 232 sites in 29 pairs of 1-11-year-old treatments and untreated adjacent controls in P-J woodlands of the Arkansas River valley in central Colorado. This webinar will present results on birds, plant communities, implications for fire behavior, and considerations for managers. Technical difficulties occurred during this webinar recording, but we have audio and a pdf of the presentation that can be downloaded and watched together. The audio file is available on the FRAMES website here.